Choosing the right school for your child is important. Matching your child’s needs to what a school has to offer can make a significant difference, so any time spent on making the right choice is worthwhile.
You might consider some of the following:
Our school’s most recent NAPLAN (academic) results can be viewed on the MySchool website.
Our school zone is available on which hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones.
Students residing in this zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.
Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.
For more information, you can:
If you have further queries on these matters, please contact our office. |
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If you are considering Footscray West Primary School for your Prep child, information sessions are held in late April and May every year. This is a great place to start. A pamphlet and email advertising the time, date and venue will be available through all the local kinders early in Term 2 each year and also on this website.
Following the information sessions there will be a tour of the school.
The Department of Education has released an updated statewide Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline for the 2025 school year.
The timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Foundation (Prep) at a Victorian government primary school, including Footscry West Primary School.
All government primary schools will follow the timeline in 2024 to support Foundation (Prep) enrolments for the 2025 school year.
You can find information and resources about the timeline, including factsheets and a poster at: Enrolling in Foundation (Prep).
You can also download the ‘Foundation (Prep) Enrolment Information Pack for Parents and Carers’ from Enrolling in Foundation (Prep) (available from 15 April 2024).
You will be able to apply to enrol your child in Foundation (Prep) 2025 at Footscray West Primary School from 15 April 2024.
What you need to do:
Enrolment applications submitted after 26 July 2024 will be processed by our school as they are received, in accordance with the department’s Placement Policy.
If you wish to enrol your child at Footscray West Primary School now, you will need to contact the school and arrange an appointment with the school principal, Mr Brendan Millar.
At Footscray West Primary School we work closely with families to cater for a range of additional learning needs, to ensure that all students are provided with a rich and successful education. We employ educational support staff to assist funded children with additional needs, undertake regular staff professional learning to ensure we are engaged in best-practice, and we offer programs in all grades to cater for a range of abilities and interests.
Please make sure you raise any matters likely to impact on your child’s learning and wellbeing when you meet with our principal. This will assist us in placing your child in the most appropriate grade, and allow us to effectively cater for your child’s needs.
While we aim to provide easily accessible information on this website, we acknowledge it is not possible to answer all of your questions. If there are matters you need to discuss, please call or email the school and we will assist you.
© 2024 Footscray West Primary School