In case of emergency the school must have up-to-date contact information. Please notify the office immediately if you change address, home phone, work or mobile numbers.
Children who are ill
- It is important for children to attend school regularly, but if your child is sick then home is the best place for them to be.
- Parents or carers will be contacted if a child is ill at school and arrangements made for the child to be collected.
- No child is ever sent home alone.
- If your child has a recurring illness, please notify your class teacher.
- If your child requires medication it should be administered before or after school.
- If medication is needed during school hours it must be given to the office, in its original container. Clearly written instructions must also be provided and be signed by parent/carer.
- No medication including headache tablets will be administered to children without the express written permission of parents or guardians.
- If your child suffers from asthma a clearly labelled inhaler and spacer should be kept at school.
- Parents or carers must complete an Asthma Management Plan (pdf 170kb).
- Please check with class teachers before bringing food for the class to share.
- Common food allergies include nuts, eggs, and soy products.
- If your child has severe allergic reactions you must supply the school with an epi-pen and complete an Anaphylaxis Management Plan.
- Staff are trained in the use of epi-pens.
Infectious Diseases
Children are excluded from school by law if they contract any of the following:
- German Measles – Until fully recovered or at least four days from the onset of rash
- Scabies – Until treated and Medical Certificate provided
- Measles – At least seven days at home
- Chicken Pox/Mumps – Until fully recovered
- Whooping Cough – Four weeks at home and Medical Certificate provided
- Impetigo (School Sores) – Sores must be covered and treated
- Head Lice – Must be treated immediately
- Footscray West Primary School is a Sun-Smart School.
- Hats are compulsory from 1st. September until 30th. April.
- The play equipment is equipped with shade sails.
- Footscray West Primary School encourages healthy eating through its “Try this!” program.
- The children all take part in growing, harvesting, preparing, and eating fresh fruit and vegies from the school’s gardens and orchard.
- Children are allowed water bottles and fruit in class.
- Children are encouraged to bring healthy, litter free lunches from home.
- The canteen also provides many healthy choices for snacks and lunches.
Dental Health
The Footscray Dental Care Clinic provides dental treatment to all primary school children. Telephone 9687 3630
Prep Screening
All children, with parental permission, are offered a free comprehensive health assessment in their first year of school through the Victorian State Government’s Primary School Nursing Program.