The Physical Education program at Footscray West Primary School is designed to develop the fundamental motor skills of running, jumping, kicking, throwing, bouncing, catching, single & double handed strike and dodging at each grade level: The emphasis is on activities and drills that are structured for children to work progressively as individuals, in pairs, small groups and teams over the duration of each unit. The Tribes agreements are an essential component Physical Education.
The large grounds and purpose-built gym provide great spaces for a wide range of sports and physical activities.
PREP: Introduces and develops Fundamental Motor Skills through involvement in a range of activities where the focus is on the development of correct technique and meaningful practice through basic drills.
GRADES 1 & 2: Builds on the Fundamental Motor skills acquired from Prep through drills, activities and selected minor games with increasing focus on working with a partner and small group as well as an individual.
GRADES 3 & 4: Includes a focus on skill development and practise with an increasing degree of difficulty and variation in the drills and minor games. This enables children to experience increasing involvement in game and competitive activities in preparation for grade 5/6.
GRADES 5 & 6: Fundamental Motor Skills performed in a variety of ways through the incorporation of drills, minor and modified games in individual and group situations.
Children are able to demonstrate their proficiency through a range of Inter School Sports including:
Children in grade Prep to Four participate in an Intensive School Swimming program conducted at the Maribyrnong Aquatic Centre with specialised swimming instructors over 9 to 10 days. This is a voluntary program for those students interested in developing their swimming capabilities as part of a school initiated program.
Students are encouraged to represent the school in competitive inter-school sports, such as:
All students from Prep to grade 6 are given the opportunity to participate in selected clinics focusing on the skills of sports such as Soccer, Football, Rugby and Cricket through specialised coaching provided by various sporting groups at school.
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