The Department of Education has excellent tips for starting school here:
What is your role in starting school:
- Encourage your child to become familiar with the school environment. Visit the school where possible.
- Participate in transition activities offered by the school.
- Answer any questions your child may have about school. If you are unsure, please ask during school visits or contact us via phone or email.
- Remember that your child does not have to know how to read and write when they arrive at school.
- At the beginning of the year do not expect too much too soon. Learning is an ongoing process. Support your child and don’t force them to do reading etc.. when they are tired.
- Complete the transition statement provided by your early years educator. Sign over permission for the statement to be given to the school.
- All children are different. They all settle in different ways and they all learn in different ways. There is no ‘normal’ start to school.
- Just be there to support them in any way you can.
Ideas for activities before starting school:
- Try to keep the build up to the first day of school low key.
- Organise play dates with other children attending the school and if possible the class your child will be in.
- Walk past the school during the holidays- trying not to make too big of a focus or it may be a long holiday.
- Practise putting on school uniform. Eg: Putting on a school hat and taking it off, zipping up/buttoning jackets.
- Practise having a lunch box. Discuss what is for snack and what is for lunch. Open and shut the lunch box and drink bottle so your child can attempt this independently.
- Pack a school bag and zip it up.
- Ensure your child is confident with a large number of toilets and how to use the toilet independently. Remind them to ask the teacher before it is too late, the toilet may not be next door.
- Fine motor skills activities- an important part of holding a pencil and developing confidence.
- Complete jigsaws together
- READ, READ, READ! Instil a love of reading.
Ways to assist with starting school:
- Attempt to have your child in a good sleep routine towards the end of the holidays. Your child will be extremely tired for the first few weeks at least. There may be tantrums or crying that you may not have seen for some time. The children are engaged all day and when they are out in the yard, you can imagine the feeling of uncertainty they may feel. It is a big change in their lives.
- Be on time to school, being late can make children feel even more anxious.
- Reassure your child you will be waiting at the end of the school day. Communicate to them where you will be waiting.
- Check bags for notes and communication from the school.
- You will find that when you ask “what did you do today?” they will say “nothing”!! Feel free to ask the teacher or participate in any opportunities you are given to visit the classroom.
- Where possible, participate in any transition activities the school may offer at the beginning of the year to get to know other families.
Most importantly, enjoy the experience with your child!
The Start of Prep
Prep Timetable
- School hours are 8:50am – 3:20pm.
- For the first month Preps attend school Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, with Wednesdays reserved for teacher assessments.
- After the first month, Preps attend Monday to Friday.
- Preps and Juniors must be accompanied by an adult to and from school.
- Preps will only be dismissed by the class teacher when a parent or designated carer arrives to collect them.
- Children must be picked up at the specified time.
- Before and After School Care is provided by TheirCare, held on site in Emu Corner. Please enrol on line at or ring 1300 072 410.
Meet Anna - PAK teacher
Meet Amal- PAC teacher
Meet Brooke - PBD teacher
Meet Lauren - PLB teacher
Meet Stratos - Physical Education
Meet Susie - Art
Meet Jess - Performing Arts