At Footscray West Primary School we believe in providing a rich mathematics program that provides the students with the understandings and skills they need to become numerate and reach their full potential.
The curriculum covers the three strands of Number and algebra, measurement and geometry, and statistics and probability. Each of these strands is further organised by substrands. These details can be found on the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). Digital technologies support the mathematics curriculum particularly in the area of coding.
The Mathematics capabilities of understanding, fluency, reasoning, modelling and problem solving are developed throughout the curriculum as students move from working at a concrete level to the more abstract.
Every classroom has:
Our teachers plan collaboratively to provide targeted, sequential lessons that are scaffolded and differentiated to cater for individual student needs which are supported by rich assessment tasks.
All Numeracy sessions follow a lesson structure of a warm up, an introduction, student learning activity and a reflection. The warm up is a time to engage and motivate student thinking:
The introduction is a time for explicit instruction to develop targeted understandings and skills:
The Student Learning activity is a time for students to work on independent activities, open-ended problems, targeted teaching groups, support and extension:
The reflection is a time when students share their understandings and experiences, discuss their learning and share their thinking and skills.
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