Term 3 2022 Learning at Home Update
Dear FWPS Families,
We are aware that we are still being impacted by students having to isolate due to Covid or Influenza.
Whilst some are too ill to engage in work tasks, many are asymptomatic and are keen to engage in learning from home activities.
This term, the Department of Education has provided the booklet in this link Home Learning Resources
‘Resources to Support Students Learning From home- by Level’.
Please feel free to access this booklet should your child be required to isolate this semester.
You may also like to join the online Maribyrnong Library Service https://www.maribyrnong.vic.gov.au/library/Resources/Kids-eLibrary/Libby-by-OverDrive
or access Mathletics activities set by the teacher. Passwords and logins were emailed to parents at the start of the year.
We thank families for their support in keeping students who are Covid positive or displaying flu-like symptoms at home.
Kind regards,
Brendan, Liz and Carolyn
FWPS Principal Class Team
Additionally, please find below a list of links which may support your child’s learning at home. Many of these websites/apps are free long term or on a trial basis (at the time of publishing) but please check upon registration (if required).
Information for families of younger studentsFinding your Superpower
Information for families of older studentsSurviving and Thriving
Maribyrnong Library Service - eBooks and AudioBooks Did you know that a membership to the Maribyrnong Library Service is a magical pass to some wonderful books online? If you don’t already have a membership, you can join online here: https://maribyrnong.spydus.com/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/MSGTRN/WPAC/JOIN
Using your membership allows you to access to thousands of audiobooks and ebook subscriptions for FREE. There are picture story books, novels and magazines by all our favourite authors and illustrators!
MeetLibby and BorrowBox – Members simply log in using their library member details to access the library's collection of eBooks, eAudiobooks and magazines. Each app can be downloaded to laptop, phone, tablet or iPad and access is free with a library membership. |
© 2024 Footscray West Primary School