Regular attendance by students is vital for social development and educational achievement.
In Victoria, school is compulsory for all children aged between 6 and 16. It is expected they will attend school every day of each term.
Regular school attendance helps children to develop:
Primary school children who are regularly absent can miss out on learning the basics, and may experience long term difficulties with their learning.
Footscray West Primary School participates in ‘It’s Not OK To Be Away,’ a Victorian Government initiative focusing and emphasising the importance of regular school attendance for all students.
If you are concerned about your child’s attendance please contact the office and make an appointment to discuss the issue.
Children who arrive at school after 9.00am must report to the office to sign in and receive a Late Pass to give to their teacher. Late students without a valid reason for not being on time will be required to attend the office at recess.
Being on time is essential for effective learning.
It is important to attend school regularly, but if your child is sick then home is the best place for them to be.
The more children attend - the more they learn and enjoy!
Further information from the Victorian Government about attendance at school can be found here.
© 2024 Footscray West Primary School