Tribes is a set of values, principles, and processes that encourages a positive and respectful culture within our school community. Footscray West staff are trained in implementing the Tribes Learning Communities process in the classroom.
All grades use the five core Tribes Agreements to create a positive classroom environment and to encourage the development of each child’s knowledge, skills, and resilience.
Tribes Agreements

- We will treat people the way we want to be treated.
- We will value and respect each person, regardless of gender, culture, socio- economic status or ability.
- We will value and respect other opinions, beliefs and values.

- We will speak kindly to others and think of other people’s feelings.
- We will encourage each other; our talents, interests and ambitions.

- We will actively participate in curriculum activities.
- We have the right to pass in certain activities, but know that the more we participate, the more we gain.
- When electing to pass, we will remain in the group without having to be a verbal participant.

- We will listen with our eyes, ears and heart.
- We will listen while someone is speaking and then make comments/respond.

- We will always do the best we can.
- We will recognise our learning styles and abilities.
- We will set personal goals for achievement.
- We will be willing to have a go and take a risk.